Photo credit: Surf Lakes

Rendel’s team in Australia has been appointed in a technical advisory role for Surf Lakes in Yeppoon, Queensland.

Surf Lakes is currently developing a cutting-edge Surf Park featuring a proprietary Wave Machine and innovative bathymetric reef designs, slated for construction in various locations worldwide. A prototype surf park has been operational in Yeppoon for approximately six years, serving as a demonstration site for this groundbreaking technology. This design is generic in nature and is to be adapted into site-specific detailed designs for each Surf Park location. This will start with upgrading the Yeppoon site to a commercial facility.

Rendel brings its wealth of experience in engineering design to the concrete lake bed with scope including:

  • Review of proposed commercial lakebed design and jointing details.
  • Value management to suit the site and its intended use.

This is a critical and exciting step to assist Surf Lakes in converting its prototype site into a commercially operating facility. Design work is well underway and the outcomes are looking good for an economic and robust solution that will allow perfect waves for the full facility design life with minimalised maintenance requirements.




Client: Surf Lakes
Date: 2024
Services: Value Engineering and Risk Identifcation Study
Energy & Industry