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July 2022

Abdus Ahmed becomes Rendel’s first apprentice to achieve Engineering Technician status

Abdus Ahmed

Congratulations to Abdus Ahmed who is now an Engineering Technician Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.  Abdus can now use the post nominal letters MICE and once he has registered with the Engineering Council can be designated as Eng Tech MICE.

To achieve the Engineering Technician status, Abdus sat his Technical Professional Review with the ICE, which comprised of a report and presentation.  Abdus had to satisfy the reviewers that he was working at the level of an Engineering Technician across all 7 Attributes.  Abdus’s effort and determination in completing the requirements and gaining the ICE Panel’s approval is to be commended.

Rendel is committed to a range of training routes to develop individual capability and careers which, in turn, enhances the skills within the broader engineering industry. We already have a track record of recruiting and training graduate engineers and technicians to become members of relevant professional institutions. We also provide work placements, experience and shadowing opportunities to undergraduates and have STEM ambassadors spreading the word about civil engineering careers in schools.