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July 2021

I.C.E. Successes

Left: Diogo Ferriera; Right: Kevin Aznar

We are pleased to be able to confirm that Diogo Ferreira, Civil and Geotechnical Engineer, has achieved Chartered Engineer status, following his Professional Review with the ICE, which comprised of a report, presentation, interview and written exam. Diogo has demonstrated great enthusiasm and determination to complete Rendel’s ICE Training Scheme and Professional Review in a short period of time. We congratulate him on his success.

We are also pleased to announce that Kevin Aznar, Structural Bridge Engineer, has completed his Initial Professional Development (IPD) under the Institution of Civil Engineers Training Scheme; demonstrating that he has achieved the required level in all 9 Attributes to be able to undertake the Chartered Professional Review. This has also been formally signed off by the ICE’s Member Development Officer, Lucinda Smith. Kevin will now continue to consolidate his experience and work towards undertaking the Professional Review later this year.

We would also take this opportunity to announce that Ali Mahdi, Assistant Technical Director, and Derick Wallis, Lead Geotechnical Engineer, have been appointed as Supervising Civil Engineers (SCE) for Rendel, by the Institution of Civil Engineers. To be approved as a SCEs, Ali and Derick had to demonstrate their qualifications, experience, CPD and be sponsored by another SCE. Rendel now has six SCE’s along with twenty Delegated Engineers.

Rendel’s ICE Scheme has the support and involvement of a large portion of the company, and without everyone’s effort and the hard work of our engineers coming through the Scheme, we would not have reached the levels of success that we have in recent years with engineers achieving chartered status.