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May 2021

Keith Taylor accepted as Fellow of ICE

Photo credit: Rendel

We are pleased to announce Keith Taylor, Director – Fee Earning Assignments at Rendel, has been accepted as a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).

Fellowship is the highest grade of ICE membership, achieved by senior professionals who have made a major contribution to the industry. Keith’s application involved the submission of a Statement of Attributes detailing how he achieved three of the 14 Attributes for Fellowship. The 14 Attributes require senior professionals to demonstrate how they have been responsible for promoting, planning, designing, constructing, maintaining or managing important engineering work. Keith’s application was then reviewed and accepted by the Fellowship Panel.
Keith is a member of the Rendel Operational Board and he has specific overall responsibility for all secured fee earning assignments; all Assignment Managers provide reports to him. He is also currently the Assignment Director for major projects in Bangladesh and Ukraine.

His projects include Padma Multipurpose Bridge and Shah Amanat Bridge, Bangladesh; several large road projects in Ukraine; New Tyne Tunnel, UK and New Europe Bridge, Romania and Bulgaria.

Keith leads Rendel’s award winning ICE training scheme.